April SDLEES Information
Follow the link to get information about a Charity Poker Tournament, Membership Meetings, Scholarship Opportunities and other events of interest.
2023 SDLEES Scholarship
The San Diego Law Enforcement Emerald Society (SDLEES) will be awarding two (2) scholarships in the amount of $500.00 each to eligible students.
Application Deadline UPDATED: May 19, 2023
NCLEES Scholarship Application
The National Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies will be awarding four ($) $500.00 scholarships to eligible students.
Application Deadline: May 1, 2023
OTL Tournament irish hospitality tent
- July 15,16 & 22
- 8:00am - 4:00pm
- Fiesta Island
- Irish San Diego Compound - SDLEES & Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick
- Free Admission, Food and Refreshments for SDLEES Members & Guests
Pipes & Drums
The mission of the SDLEES Pipes & Drums is to provide a traditional tribute to our fallen comrades and to be in service to the family, friends and co-workers of public safety members of San Diego County.
2023 NCLEES Conference
The 2023 NCLEES Conference will be co-hosted by the Boston Police Emerald Society and the Irish Police Officers Association of Massachusetts in Boston.
Details are pending.
Serving san diego county Since 1993
The Society
The San Diego Law Enforcement Emerald Society (SDLEES) is a non-profit, multiagency organization with the goal of fostering goodwill among the numerous law enforcement agencies within the communities of San Diego. Additionally our goal is to instill, preserve and celebrate the heritage, accomplishments and the dedication of the Irish American Law Enforcement Officers, past and present, and their Gaelic culture.
Each year the Society hosts several events which provide an opportunity for law enforcement professionals to meet and develop relationships to improve communication and cooperation between the numerous local, state and federal agencies throughout the county. This improved communication between agencies results in safer communities and an improved quality of life for all residents and visitors to San Diego County.

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